Friday, April 28, 2017

Physics and Peoples

It is well-known, even common knowledge by most high-school educated people, that "the world" - from the point of view of physics - is two-fold: the visible, touchable, material, "real" world, and the invisible, untouchable, immaterial, "quantum" world.

The material world, of solid bodies and such, are - according to current thinking by physicists everywhere - mostly empty space, and the only thing that keeps two bodies from occupying the same space at the same time, is the strong electronic forces of the constituent atoms. That is, the electron clouds of all the constituent atoms of each body define the physical limits of that body, so that another body can not penetrate it under normal conditions.

This model is, surprise, surprise, a perfect metaphor for an ordinary human being - with his outer, physical body, including bones, blood, organs, flesh, etc., and his inner, non-physical mind, including sense of self, thoughts, emotions, desires, fears, sensations, etc.

Regarding physical bodies, in general, at the quantum level of investigation, it is known that you can not BOTH know the path or course of a given particle, AND the speed of that particle. Restated: that the position and the velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time, even in theory.  If you know the speed, you can't determine where it is. If you know where it is, you can't determine how it got there or where it's going. This, is HUGE, and of course, discovered by MIND!

In a human, at the mental level of investigation, it can be observed that there are, what are called, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs - which are just three examples of what, at the subatomic level of existence, would be called electron clouds. These clouds are not really material - they are only "in potential". In any given instance, a particle cloud may be here, or there, or everywhere, and it may be traveling this way, that way, or another way. For all practical purposes, they don't actually EXIST... until "observed", which in this realm requires a very different conceptual frame to understand.

In a human, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs are, in reality for that human, just "in potential", and there is no physical (based upon the laws of physics) requirement that an attitude, an opinion, or a belief actually becomes "manifest". As such, a human being, with all his memories, beliefs, thoughts, ideas (all of which, in any given moment, are just "in potential" - until "observed/realized/manifested" - and all of which are completely subjective, and thus at best only partially correct, if that) act as "neuron clouds" in the "cosmos of the mind", and the individual - if there actually IS one in a particular moment (and of course, there usually is NOT) - can control the organization of his OWN UNIVERSE!
This too, is HUGE, and of course, discovered by MIND!

We are a cosmos, not unlike the larger Cosmos of which we are a part. And there are Laws - rules and regulations - governing that larger macro-cosmos which extend all the way down to our species and to us individually, a micro-cosmos. The sooner one sets about discovering what those Laws are - called by some, "The Work" - and attempting to consciously conform to the requirements those Laws incur upon one, the sooner will one begin moving away from the OLD (called being unawakened, unenlightened, asleep, an automaton), and into the NEW (called being Awake, Enlightened, Conscious, and possessed of Real I and Free Will), and this is a personal journey top to bottom, side to side, and all around.

Surprise, surprise.

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