Wednesday, November 22, 2017

"It's A Man's, Man's, Man's World"

This is a mans world
But it would be nothing, nothing
Without a woman or a girl..." Mr. J. B.

The body is a great and wonderful thing, 
but it is nothing, 
without a brain and a mind

This planet, Earth, the third rock from Sol, has been around for four and half billion years or so, and Life has been populating and repopulating for three and a half billion years or so, and Man has been walking and talking for the last hundred thousand years or so, but only in the last few thousand have things really taken off.

In the last few hundred years or so - while accelerating decade by decade, such that in only a couple hundred years or so - life expectancy has more than doubled, technology has put men on the moon, and has produced smart wireless devices that can wrap around your ears and eyes, while your car drives itself - with humans as the passengers - to wherever you like. 

BUT, the brain and the mind is made for much more than just altering the look and feel of this planet, increasing the number of objects that are mostly useless, and generating wealth for the fewest of the few, while the rest remain nearly in poverty. This extremely obvious fact, for some, has all but escaped most everyone such that their main examples of "personal achievement" has mostly to do with physical pursuits - building things, accumulating things, playing with things... things, Things and more THINGS!

The body is a great and wonderful thing, but it is nothingNOTHING, without an Aim and a Wish. The body has been around for about 4 to 7 decades or so, give or take, and has been wandering around a VERY small patch of land for most, if not all of that time, but ask yourself, honestly, what do you have to "show for it" intellectually, spiritually? Do you spend most of your time thinking about yourself, your issues, your concerns, your irritations, OR are you actually beginning to investigate, and explore, and discover, and create that which only the Brain and Mind, governed by Aim and Wish can DO, even more than anything else you do, physically?

The Aim and the Wish were not "designed" (by D(esigne)r Who) for altering the planet, or the body, but for experiencing Higher Mind, which everyone has direct access to (by virtue of having been born of woman, as a result of the sperm & egg hookup sequence) even this instant, as you are reading these words, and thinking your thoughts about them.

Ask yourself, what do you have to "show for it," intellectually, spiritually, that you can demonstrate not only to yourself, but to others if asked, that ADVANCES your CHANCES of SUCCESS at This Thing you have embarked upon so many years or decades ago?

Because, remember 
(#3 of three links)

Friday, November 3, 2017

Anomaly - Glorious, or Horribilis?

Recently overheard at my local 
caffeine-imbibing establishment,
(slightly edited for content from "True Detective, S1") 

"I consider myself a realist, or in philosophical terms a pessimist - it means I'm bad at parties. I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in human evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature, but separate from itself. 

"We are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are "things" that labor under the illusion of having a "self", but it's really just a secretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each SOME-body, when in fact everybody is NO-body

"I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming, stop reproducing, and walk hand-in-hand into extinction. One last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal. (Obvious question then: what's the point of getting out of bed every morning?) I tell myself I bear witness. But, the real answer is that it's obviously my programming, and I lack the constitution for suicide."

The Speaker continues...

"The common good has got to make up fairy tales, and fairy tales are not good for anybody. (Referring to religion in general:) If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then that person is a piece of shit. What does it say about life, huh? You've got to get together, tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe just to get through the day? (Obvious question: you figure it's all a scam right?) Yeah, it's been that way since one monkey looked at the sun and told the other monkey: (pointing up) 'He said... for You... to give me YOUR share.'"

"People. They're so frail they'd rather put a coin in a wishing well, rather than buy dinner! As for the preachers, it is all just the transference of fear and self-loathing to an Authoritarian Vessel - catharsis. The preacher absorbs their followers dread with his narrative, and because of this he is effective in proportion to the amount of certainty he can project. Certain linguistic anthropologists think that religion is a language virus that rewrites pathways in the brain, that dulls critical thinking. (But, having none,) at least I am not racing to a red light."

The Speaker continues...

"You see, we've been caught in what I call "a life trap", a gene-deep certainty that things will be different... that you'll move to another city and meet the people that'll be your friends for the rest of your life; that you'll fall in love and be fulfilled. Fuckin' fullfillment, and closure: just empty jars to hold this shit-storm. Nothing is ever fulfilled until the very end. And closure?...?...? No, no, no... nothing is ever over.

"The ontological fallacy of expecting a light at the end of a tunnel, that's what the preacher sells, same as a shrink. You see, the preacher encourages your capacity for illusion, and then he tells you it's a virtue. It's such a sense of entitlement, isn't it? "All of this is for me, Me, ME!" We are so fuckin' important, right, right? 

"People. I have seen the finale of thousands of lives, young, old, each one so sure of their realness, and that their sensory experience constituted a unique individual, with purpose and meaning, so certain that they were more than just a biological puppet. But... truth wills out, and everybody sees - once the strings are cut, all fall down. These still bodies each so certain they were more than the sum of their urges. All that useless spinning, tired mind collisions, so full of desire and ignorance."

The Speaker summarizes...

"This - THIS - is what I'm talking about: Time, and Death, and Futility. There are broader ideas at work here... in that last nanosecond before their inevitable death they saw what they were. That you, your self, it's all a big drama. It was never anything but a jury-rig of presumption and dumb will, and you could just let go, finally knowing that you didn't have to hold on so tight. To realize that in all your life - all your love, all your hate, all your memory, all your pain - it was all the same thing. It was all the same dream that you had inside that locked room up here, between the ears. Just a dream about being... a 'person'... a 'self'... a 'me'... an 'I'."

Glorious or Horribilus or Both?

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Transcending Beliefs

It doesn't take genius-level intelligence to look around, out there, and even in here sometimes, and believe "things are seriously AMISS, god damnit!" Even young people believe that! Some seem to be driven to madness, taking out their frustrations about the world-at-large on those near and dear to them... from family members, to school-mates, to teachers, and even to anyone else within automatic rifle-shot or rented truck-collision. "Killing others" seems to be the fractured thought circulating in many minds world over these days, though most humans do not have the nerve to activate their body to the degree necessary to pull it off, so they just stew in their own juices.

Almost everyone - even here, on this group of readers if you can believe that - thinks things in the world, including themselves at times, are going "straight to hell, or 'the Bad Place'" and have been for a long, long time. But, seriously, can these beliefs even be believed? Or more importantly, can they be transcended?

Too many people take the ostrich approach. 
You know that one, right? 

Turning AWAY from the world-at-large, so as to avoid DEALING with it, and all the complex issues associated with it (like moving to the back-country and living in a one-room shack so as to "meditate" all day long) is never a solution to anything. One could even suggest that A Reason the world-at-large is so screwed up (apparently), is because most people (way more than half, probably 95%) turn AWAY from what is going on out there (and even - you guessed it - in here), rather than activating the mind in order to Transcend their own firmly-held Beliefs.

What could that actually mean, anyway?
How about this: Discovering the forces involved, both out there and especially IN HERE (between the ears, and up and down the entire nervous system) that precede your belief-creating processes. Thinking and believing wrongly about the world and oneself CAUSES the world to seem worse than it is. Fact is, there is nothing at all "amiss" out there in the world or in oneself (surprise, surprise), and things are operating "Juuuust Riiiight" - i.e., in the only way they CAN operate - because... remember... we're talking about HUMANS and the world they populate. 

Who in their "right-mind" can suggest, even for a moment,
that the NATURAL WORLD is amiss in any way?
Cats sleeping with DOGS?
Lions resting with LAMBS?

Consider for a moment (or more if necessary): How is it that PEOPLE started "screwing up" the world-at-large in all its possible aspects - which was in the beginning, remember...  THE Garden? It had to do with satisfying the basic survival needs - food, and shelter - including sexual needs, and property needs, and only became more and more dangerous to other people, as the mind became more and more complex and sophisticated. The more sophisticated the mind became, the more clever, convoluted and even "crazy" did the supposed solutions to those needs become. I.E., Rather than operating at their inherently genius-level intelligence (which is possible in ALL men, from their beginning of what might be called, "working with others")...
...they began operating from the lowest-levels of intelligence,
like GANGS, 

The New Rule - which is many thousands of years old - is Bash the other guys over the head, or just kill them, then take their food, their women, their tools, their homes, and for entertainment, rape, pillage and plunder what's left if anything.  
That always works, right human?

Certainly, it is not so easy to move from ordinary, low-level thinking and belief-making, to high-level intelligence and reason, and humans can not generally achieve this SHIFT on their own, no matter what some who've only read books might try to tell you. Someone must be a LIVING example to those who can learn by example (and not like an ape or dog learns - no way), and that's how civilization grows and matures. Same is true between the ears. Some thought(s) and/or idea(s) must take charge in one, in order to put things right. The obvious clue that more work is necessary - then and today - is observing negativity of any kind arise and take hold of one, because once such negativity arises it generally continues until the energy is expended, and a certain calm ensues, when the person can attempt to investigate the reality of the situation. Wrong thinking and Faulty beliefs are most often the cause of one's negativity, and energy depletion. Reason and Objectivity may result by Transcending Negativity. But, good luck with that, right human? Well, at least until Genghis, or Gurdjieff, or God, or Real I takes control of the hordes of "i's"... but that is for another day, okay?
Lest anyone actually believes "Hey, I'm already in a transcendent state!" answer yourself this: What's up with Trump - or Drumpf, as some like to demean him - being in the White House? Huh? What do you REALLY think about that, and HIM? Don't hold back from yourself ("real I" is watching).
And what about the Las Vegas open concert assault-rifle major-massacre, and the New York bike path rental-truck mini-massacre? What's that all about? And what do you really think about the alleged perpetrators? Don't hold back from yourself ("real I" is watching).
Fact repeated for emphasis: there is nothing at all "amiss" out there, or in oneself. Thinking & Saying that with real conviction, and real understanding, is what may be called Transcendence, or at least reliably "leading to it."

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

"Exploring the nervous system"

This Kinda Stuff  (exploring it is doing it***)
  • is not for the faint of heart,
  • is not for weekend warriors, who usually miss most weekends, and show up late and leave early,
  • is not for disinterested sightseers, who are easily distracted by irrelevancies, and side-trips,
  • is not for negative nellies, always finding the downside, the ugly side, the dangerous side, 
  • is not for those who hate the hard-stuff: mathematics, neuro- and cosmic-science, physics, objective art; favoring the soft stuff: like religions, philosophies, psychologies, and all the various kinds of pulp fictions, and new age pap,
  • is NOT for those who love dogmas, doctrines, holy writs, sacrosanct bibles, rigid and strict regulations, arbitrary and confusing punishments, and structured rule-based methodologies...
This Kinda Stuff
  • IS for explorers and travelers who are more interested in going upstream than floating downstream, being fully capable of paddling up the narrowest streams and tributaries, without tipping over time and time again, 
  • IS for those whose explorer is awake, active in their "A-Game", and ready to rumble,
  • IS for those willing to do whatever it takes to continue at whatever cost, never giving up,
  • IS for those who love the hard-stuff: mathematics, neuro- and cosmic-science, physics, objective art,
  • IS for those who don't mind going it alone, knowing full well it will be difficult or impossible to find suitably-prepared journey-mates,
  • IS for those who would rather invent and discover the New and previously Unknown and Unseen, than go where any others had gone before... to be like J.K. said: "Be crazy dumbsaint of the mind"...
None of this is fact, of course, only opinions gathered over years and years with many many people who claim to be "explorers."

Explorers of the higher ends of the narrowest streams and tributaries of the nervous system, can not be afraid, in advance, of their new experiences because they can NOT be observed directly, only by the manifestations which are produced. It is not unlike hearing sounds and seeing lights far off in the jungle growth surrounding one - up, down, left, right, inside, outside, "Which IS it!?!" - but not allowing yourself to get unduly afraid, and scattered, and fractured to the point of backing off and turning around in fear. Fear and imaginary Fantasies are one's worst features, whereas Bravery and direct Observations are one's best features.

One must have overcome - and the earlier the better - their innate fears and repulsions of the "denizens of the deep, wide, and faraway", especially the "uprights of various hues" who carry with them bushels and bagloads of beliefs, theories, supposed facts and figures, and all sorts of nonsense and silliness regarding "What's Up!" Other's ideas about the world are of no enduring concern unless and until you can personally verify them. Till then, it's all just talk, talk, talk. Also, if they personally have traveled up the tributaries and rightly experienced "what's up there", you will know them "by their fruits", or if you can't tell, then just disregard it.
Do The Work!
A child can understand growing up only by DOING IT, no matter how many times he might ask his parents, "What's it like?" A would-be vagabond cannot understand world travel simply by reading about faraway places while ensconced in the familiarity of home. And you, no matter how talented or brimming with life you currently may be, cannot know what it is to become even more alive, until you actually DO IT! And continue doing it.
***Exploring It Is Doing It***
Human Brain and structures directly connected
This exploration is organized around the development of precise methods which would accelerate a person's rate of experience and intensify the sensation of being more alive, to begin using your own experience simultaneously as a scientist's laboratory and an artist's studio - a process that invigorates all parts of a person, "from tip to toe" as it were.
Again...none of this is fact
only opinions gathered over years and years 
with many people who claim to be "explorers."

Monday, October 30, 2017

Wax on, Wax off

All who visit here know by now, or should, that the "I" and the "self," are not Things, but aspects of a Process that requires a brain in the head. Without that brain in the head, that is functioning at least normally, "I", and "self", though still a Process, could be seen as a faulty process, that sometimes requires imprisonment, internment, confinement, detention, custody, captivity, and/or restraint, if not untimely termination.

Consider a Slinky at the top of the stairs: with the proper impetus applied at the right place - in this case, near the top of the body - it will begin its decent down into the Process we have all come to know and love (expressing its slinkyhood), which in the case of people is called the personality, and usually includes various routine and standardized by habit, movements, thoughts, and feelings. Fred himself, Mary herself, (their brain, that is) interacts with the cold, silent, dark universe of photons, neutrons, electrons and all the rest of the quantum particles we can neither see, feel, experience directly but call, "the universe." That is, Mr. or Ms. Slinky reaches yet another "tipping point," and "Ooh, ooh, I see a cloud in the sky," and "I hear a bumble bee buzzing," and "I feel the sunlight on my face," and all the other "I-statements" we know and love.
But, hey, Who Said That?
And Who knows and loves that?

And who is it, anyway, who waxes on poetically about the bliss of being, and pure awareness, and emptiness of self, and on and on, apparently enjoying the sound of the words in their ears as they roll off their neurons, tongues and fingers... and then waxes off the message, a little bit here and a little bit there, only to do it again next time? Same Message, Different Day.

And what is the brain, anyway, that thinks and mouths and writes these facebook-messages, blog-posts, group-emails and skype-videochats, about whatever is being investigated, deconstructed, resurrected, and discussed - this time - only to forget a little bit here and a little bit there, only to do it again next time? Same Message, Different Day.

Could it be that same Local Process, interacting with the Universal Process that is the quantum universe unfolding, producing a "light and sound show" for no one in particular, but the
One Who Observes it, 
Revels in the Experiential Observation of it, 
and then Proclaims it to the Universe
Talk about Good Karma!

Friday, October 13, 2017

In defence of... God

If you read any cultures' religion, viz. "God" (or some other name) - used to signify a monotheistic or ultimate Supreme Being from which all other divine attributes derive - and substitute, "Mind", that's what they were really talking about... but of course they didn't know it, and still do not.

No reasonably civilized human nowadays believes that great nature and the seasons are caused by gods or goddesses - you know, river deities, forest deities, weather deities etc. - or that there are ghosts and goblins living in their own home sweet home, or demons and other devils living in their next door neighbor's ramshackle abode. Such thoughts have long ago abandoned the dream and fantasy worlds of the more educated and sophisticated humans... well, save for the ONE BIGGEE that refuses to retire: "God" with a "capital G (now that humanity, in general, has already abandoned all the lesser, small "g" gods and goddesses). Even those who say they don't have an interest in religion or "God"- having no particular attraction to religions or the idea of "God", even to the point of calling themselves atheists - when they hear someone else talk about the characteristics and attributes of their "God", it affects them too... they have no choice. Because in those moments, it is the brain talking about itself, and everyone is immediately affected by that.
Why can't the brain realize what it's doing?
It's impossible for it to do so!

When the brain is talking about "God", it is talking about itself. It's realized what it's doing regarding the lesser gods - of mountains, trees, rivers, animals, seasons, etc. - but regarding the greater big G "God", the supreme Power... no way. And there's no evidence whatsoever that human minds are changing in that regard - certainly not in the last 6000 years. The only answer must be, that the human brain (and emergent "mind") is literally incapable of thinking/talking about itself, while knowing it's thinking/talking about itself. Some kind of schism occurs, a division between "talker" and "listener", or between the "lower" and the "higher", such that one might imagine there being "lips" and "ears" in there.

Interesting note: you usually can't talk believers out of belief in their "God", although the better educated, and more sophisticated can more easily be swayed, often using good science and good logic. But you never find semi-aboriginal, uneducated, unsophisticated peoples who are atheists or agnostics, so firm is their inbred belief in "God".

Now, even though practically no one believes in small "g" gods, almost everybody (85% or so) still believes in a big "G" "God" of whatever name they give it. Why? Remember, it's their brain talking about itself. Of those who say they believe in "God", it's not so much that you can't talk them out of it... you can not make them see that when they talk and think about "God", it's their brain talking and thinking about itself, and describing its own attributes. If you tell believers or non-believers that, you'll likely get no reaction whatsoever, as though they didn't even register the statement. But, when you tell them this to their face (their brain), be sure to look higher up on their forehead than where the eyes are - because that's where they are processing your statements, up in the frontal lobes. (In the attic, so to speak, seriously/dangerously close to the.... "escape hatch"... but that's another story.)

Perhaps Life and the Universe, are two different (separate) things. Life is controlling the thought-generating brain, and the Universe is controlling the non-thought-generating universe.

Lips and Ears, perhaps?

(four embedded links... did ya miss 'em?)

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

In defence of...

LOTS of silence
interspersed with 
LOTS of speaking.

Clearly, not everyone has been designed by Great Nature to do what is being done here. Which, when you start thinking about it, is really strange. From one view, it is almost anomalistic. Life creates a species that can think, speak, and write with a degree of consciousness and awareness quite unknown in the rest of organic life on Earth, and yet - with all that preparation and sophistication - fewer than a few thousand humans (or maybe it's five thousand, or fifteen - but really, who cares... it's not a large number!) are even INTERESTED in the kinds of questions and concepts being pushed and shoved around here, and a scant few other places. Clearly!

Having known personally about fifty humans, or a little more  who claim to be interested in This Kinda Stuff, only a handful at most have ever pushed their own intellect, willpower and creativity in this way... which is the strange thing being pointed to here. Why so few, and WHY NOT MANY MORE?

Everyone - by the time they are on their own in life - should have the nearly perfected ability to speed read, speed think, and speed write, yet the overwhelming quantity of mostly junk they read, mostly nonsense they think, mostly silliness they write, including damn near everything they say out loud, proves - even to weekend "Pursuers of Truth" - that NOBODY is interested in ANYTHING WORTHWHILE, so consumed are they by the desire for more money, more entertainment, more power, and more bad behavior.

Everyone - simply by being born in a HUMAN body - has the "Gift of Eternal Life" wired into their DeoxyriboNucleicAcid yet, by their own extreme inattentiveness and uncaring attitudes about everything truly meaningful, they manage to squander their gift, and usually long before they reach middle-age (the fabled "35ish") when it becomes (almost) TOO LATE to start on the Way that leads to Permanence, or Consciousness, or Enlightenment, or Nirvana, or whatever term they like best by then... yes, you get to pick your own.

It is not true that humans don't know WHAT to do, 
or even HOW to do it, or even WHY to do it.
That IS the "Gift of Eternal Life"

How is it Squandered? That's pretty easy: 
not enough Silence about everything, 
not enough Thinking about what really matters, 
not enough Speaking One's Own Truth;
(not parroting, copy/pasting someone else's) 

Question from the bleachers:  
"Why do you persist in calling 'us' HUMANS instead of PEOPLE?" 
---Simple... 'People' are the fully evolved state of humans, in their own time and place.
                    Be thankful we don't refer to humans, as "walking nervous systems." 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Unnecessary Talking

Humans everywhere so enjoy their talking, both quietly under their breath and inside their heads, and noisily over their breath and into other's heads, that they have made a "second career" out it. Whatever day-job or life-style a person has, including lone workers (artists, craftsmen, laborers, etc.), there is almost continuous discussion (again, to remind: inside the head and outside the head) about something or other, and they almost always enjoy the hell out of it. Too bad people in general are not "paid by the word!"

Humans everywhere understand from an early age, that talking to other people brings more pleasure and satisfaction, than pain and suffering, so their nervous systems (up there in the membrane) have learned quite well how to continuously engage in this verbal activity - inside their heads and outside their heads - even to their OWN detriment.

"Detriment? WTF you say? 
You just said, and I agree, 
people enjoy it a lot, it's pleasurable, so... 
how could that be detrimental?"

Good Question: for the masses, it's quite necessary, and most won't ever see or realize what is detrimental about too much unnecessary talking about mostly nothing at all (nor should they), so this message is not intended for them anyway (no biggee, since they are not even reading this!) This message is only for those who are interested in achieving something special, even extraordinary, about the Gift of Life they were given so many years ago.

"Schools and Teachings" were even established in order to reveal clearly what is so "detrimental" about it. Some (particularly in the East) even suggested NOT talking outwardly, in order to reach a state of NOT talking inwardly, so as to ultimately "reach enlightenment", and they have a place in the annals of "Schools and Teachings", but there is another way to look at ALL OF THIS.

Humans everywhere don't talk ENOUGH, and that is because they don't THINK ENOUGH, and that is because Life - out there in the world - stifles such activity second by second, minute by minute, from an early age. 

 "Stifles? WTF you say?"

Parents, Teachers, Friends, and almost everyone else - out there in the world - demand that you "BE QUIET", "Don't speak unless spoken to", "STFU would you?" et cetera and Et Cetera! You Know The Drill! This behavior was drilled into every living human from the-beginning-of-talking-humans so many millennia ago, and their descendants - being smaller, younger, submissive - obeyed well! The "problem" is that nobody realizes nor understands properly what this does now, and did then, to the development of the higher ends of the nervous system where conscious, intentional thought occurs. It doesn't just "stifle" growth there, it cauterizes the growth of those few neurons that might be able to peek above the level of ordinary, standard-issue, routine thought so common in the masses at the time. That is - if you see it - the younger are always forced to behave like the adults, and this goes all the way back (remember?) Adults are nothing more and considerably less than older, larger, more domineering children with more baggage, confused thinking, corrupted concepts and ridiculous beliefs than children.

From one view, humanity has descended from the heights that could have been reached had the parents NOT pushed the children into the dirt almost from the moment they could compose coherent sentences. Out-of-the-ordinary thinking and speaking is frowned upon by all, because it is outside the views of the masses who know - without actually knowing - what such "revolutionary thought" means for them. Fear and Trepidation in the adults, always leads to quickly putting an end to it, even forcibly.

Some humans here and there either lucked out, or got out in time, before their higher order potential was prematurely terminated, so that their capacity for Independent Thought, Objective Reason, Enlightenment in one life time, might actually flower later in their lives such that nothing and no one could turn them off their Aim, their Desire for the Higher. Nothing in life cures the ordinary "unnecessary talking syndrome" than "rolling the DICE": Discovery, Invention, Creation, Exploration, particularly up in the higher ends of the nervous system that you may have never experienced before (due to a severe lack of nourishment), which by the way is closest to the "escape hatch" - as if standing in the portal between cosmoses, an Awakened Witness to creation itself. One can't stay there forever, of course - not yet anyway - but until then...

Find others with whom to share your findings.

When one finds other people who can think and speak from this Aim and Desire, not only can the real fun begin in earnest, but real time and relative dimension in space travel throughout the cosmoses... but that's another story For Your Friends Only.

Rolling the DICE:  
Discover something is possible,  
Invent a way to proceed, which is always uniquely your own,  
Create a launchpad, or starting point, or jumping off ledge, or crack in the ceiling...and  
Explore your new environment and surroundings...
....and by all means pay attention, and don't talk.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Clear Thinking, a near-term "final frontier"

No one thinks their OWN thinking is faulty, but everyone thinks others' thinking is faulty, and will, usually, be glad to point it out, sometimes without even being asked. That is what people are doing in the Facebook, Twitter, Youtube (non-material) world, and elsewhere, in the Day-to-Day, Face-to-Face (material) world - without realizing it, of course. THAT IS... they are observing (looking at, and listening to) their own, and other people's thought processes - up close and personal - ostensibly, to make some sense of it all, and also, to make (internally, but not expressed, as well as externally expressed) comments about it, as if that is a suitable way to hold up one's end of the conversation... yeah right!

This is particularly true on all the so-called "consciousness raising" venues, especially those with a slightly, or even greater emphasis on spiritual, religious, esoteric thoughts and ideas. People are generally NOT THERE to find out how to throw better clay pots, or build faster racing engines, or paint prettier pictures - hey, there are tens of thousands of places one can go to learn all about those things. No, they are there to discover something useful about THINKING - particularly, their own thinking.

Obviously, the first thing one will discover - if one is reasonably adept at observing themselves in real time without theorizing (commenting, criticizing, condemning, complaining, etc.) - is that they only believe, only imagine, they are in complete and total  control over their thinking processes. Frequently, relatively well-constructed thoughts can be created and spoken, and sometimes even written, without one's knowing in advance what was going to come out. It often seems as though thoughts think themselves, while using your brain, mouth, hands (gestures, pens, keyboards) to communicate them in some way. It seems as though, thoughts MUST BE EXPRESSED, and from a very young age, which is getting younger and younger as the technology becomes even more pervasive, and the means to communicate becomes easier. Just look at the proliferation of smart phones, worldwide, in the hands of the very young, from preteens on up!

Clearly, there is "something afoot!" and it is increasing every day. Humans have been talking to some small degree for a little over a hundred thousand years or so, increasing somewhat during the last couple thousand years, but in the last several hundred years - from about the beginning of the 18th century, and the increase in literacy - the amount of talk between people has obviously increased, and in the last few short decades, with the invention, growth and expansion of the Internet, primarily, it has increased exponentially.

The graph of all this looks like a classic hockey stick, and (curiously) mimics the apparent rise in Temperature and CO2 in the atmosphere, especially in the northern hemisphere... which, also curiously, is where microchips, computers, the Internet, and geostationary satellites were invented, and deployed successfully around the Earth, and matured into the worldwide behemoth it has become today, enabling manned and unmanned space travel throughout our solar system!
Who knows (for sure), that as Temperature and CO2 rise... the capacity for more and more complex thought also increases in human brains, so, the "something afoot" could be seen as "A Very, Very Good Thing," eventually enabling humans to SOLVE, and successfully IMPLEMENT, the overwhelming environmental and exploding population issues, and to fulfill the ambition the species has for space travel, including beyond this solar system, and not only to do serious scientific explorations, but also to re-locate entire populations off-planet, should that become absolutely necessary.

Who knows?
Or, to put that another way...
Who can even THINK clearly about it?
And... how many BRAINS will be required
to achieve all of that... in time!?! 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Only Help You'll Ever Need...

If your AIM is to Awaken (some call it achieving enlightenment, others call it reaching nirvana, and other things too), and to stay awake, even as those around you are slinging sticks, stones and words at your every thought, feeling and action (from the government, and all the way down to your family, friends, neighbors and acquaintances), you are going to need HELP.

Not just the occasional, accidental, drive-by, run-of-the-mill varieties served up like non-nutritious fast and junk-food tossed onto a plastic tray by minimum-wage workers, but the purposeful, intentional, well-prepared by those more conscious than you are, and thoughtfully designed and delivered delicacies that must be paid for in a variety of ways, but once paid for can produce just that kind of "gastro-neurological experience" that "lasts a LIFE TIME!" (That is, it is pertinent to you and your circumstances, and connected to your "GUT as well as your MIND" - which is ONE in any case, whether or not you already know that!)

Consider: There is a steel trap-door separating the upper floor of your usual abode, and the attic you have never even visited, let alone know is there unless you've been accidentally alerted to its existence by certain previous experiences: Like psychedelic drugs, for one; Death of loved ones and/or others; Extreme illness or accident, etc. But, even though what may have been experienced seemed astounding, to say the very least, it quickly dissipated as does all experience over time, and can hardly be recalled after some variable-length period of time. That is, ordinary personality takes over, tries to explain, understand, categorize, label and put it all away into a corner of one of the rooms of your usual abode, so that... Now, all that is "remembered" are stories about it, the anecdote(s) you tell yourself and others, usually at the drop of a hat. You may say these memories are MUCH MORE distinct, memorable, recallable - and you're right - but they are anchored in the past, and surrounded, and protected, by language that is NOT occurring in this moment.

The trap-door (an "escape hatch" for those so-inclined to squeeze through), though hard to find and harder to get through, is not really made of steel - of course - it only seems to be, since when it is finally discovered for yourself, you realize it can not be opened, or penetrated, or side-stepped, so it might as well be steel, and you only have "fleshy fingers" and "vaporous thoughts and feelings" to work with.

The Attic is something else entirely - not "in this world", not "of this world" - and should not be cluttered up by the refuse of ordinary life of thought-centricity. It is a "clean room", and one's conscious intention and attention will be required to keep it that way, because like "The Tardis" it is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside (and that one is for you to decipher!)

Oh, and by the way, if the subject line's ellipses left you "wanting more"... well, it's just this: Be Always Awake and Attentive, because the Only Help You'll Ever Need (to get everywhere, to achieve everything, to experience everything, and many other such "setups") is all around you. It is an Infinite Ocean of Living Energy that ordinarily can't be Eaten & Utilized, until it is "Cracked" - kind of like an egg; kind of like an atom - so that its potent inner juices may be absorbed into the higher ends of your nervous system (the operational home of those "fleshy fingers" and "vaporous thoughts and feelings") which is always just this side of the door to the Attic. You will need the power of 100 men, or more, to punch through that barrier, because just hoping and waiting, believing and waiting, planning and waiting, is NOT working out for anyone.  (What one "needs" is a "steel hard rod" made of "method and magic" and pushed straight into the center of the brain. NOTE: there are 3 links in this chain - "steel hard rod", "the eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend", "HENS house".)

Just, Look Around. Many billions of people struggling to get by - and even the richest of the rich are included here - because ALL OF US will soon be dying an untimely death, in the midst of a mostly unsatisfying life.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Vacation Destinations

The whole external world one has previously "passed through" is "in one", mapped onto the brain in areas one can only accidentally retrieve - perhaps that's a good thing, because those memories would constantly interfere with one's state, given the way the normal brain is continually making comparisons, associations, and noticing relationships, etc. Under the right circumstances, one can remember, or be made to remember one's very early childhood or even much earlier, and probably could be made to trace everything that happened from those days onward - clothes worn, other people present, furniture in that place, words spoken, feelings felt, etc.- and speak about them. But as one is ordinarily, one can NEVER be made to remember anything about Milan if one was never there, or Sydney, or Nome, because one was never there, and never watched movies or read books about them.
Same, of course, with "so-called" new ideas, which indeed are merely new places - not out there, but in here, being quite unfinished (site not located; foundation not poured) - though one does NOT have a clue where they might ultimately exist because the "map" has not been "encoded onto the new neural territory".
All words are in one. All ideas are in one. All possibilities exist for even ordinary humans, but few there be who can access the information directly. So they have to "share with each other" words, pictures, descriptions and subjective claims of what it all means, which is the way "those who supposedly know" try to remind other humans, of some "place" they've never seen, and never been, and may not even have suspected... but - as usual - the words, pictures, descriptions and claims of this as-yet-unknown location usually just distorts, if not even spoils the whole thing, making it even harder to grasp the "wholeness" that would otherwise be possible.

Sure, "teachers" MAY be able to convey the "suggestion" of this new, and apparently desirable "place", especially if they have in fact BEEN THERE and DONE THAT, though most never have, and are only "sharing" hearsay, from someone who got it all as hearsay themselves, who also got it as hearsay too. That is, the image and the reports they bring to you personally - "from their lips/fingers to your ears/eyes" - is so out of clarity/focus, in so many areas of the entire "place" that even if you were to struggle for years to figure out "what the hell they were talking about" - describing their memories of that place that was somehow constructed in their own heads - it would still only be a very poor representation of the reality of that wholeness

Try to explain your childood- through teenage-years home in Milan, to someone on this list - take ten paragraphs if you need them - and NO ONE will have a clue what you are talking about, as that "place" could be anywhere on earth, but for a few nouns and verbs and adjectives you might have used. Same with [enlightenment, nirvana, consciousness - take your pick]. The internal locations of these large concepts (like Milan) are totally UNKNOWN to you or anyone because, in this case, Milan just happens to be on Jupiter. ("What, did I forget to mention that?")

That is, unless you are being TUTORED by a once or current RESIDENT of the ACTUAL NEURAL LOCATION, called "Milan" - having himself set down "roots", even if only temporarily, before moving on - you are getting something that is much less than worthless, as it may be incorrect as well, and you usually can NOT know this in advance. Imagine spending years trying to decipher a set of maps, diagrams, footnotes, and associated terminologies that, in fact, were totally made up and had nothing to do with anything useful to an aspiring human trying to actualize their Personhood.

Bottom line, though I could go deeper... Know Your Own Nervous System's makeup - its circuitry, functions, systems and processes - first and foremost, and forget the purveyors of hearsay who have NEVER BEEN THERE or DONE THAT, but nevertheless hold their hearsay in too high regard (that's just childish imagination!) in favor of finding Vacation Destinations within, that you can rightly value highly, due to your own personal visitations... AND such that you can revisit when desired, or totally leave behind when and if that suits you. (You can't leave a place until you know it.)

For myself I want to visit
 The Singing Towers of Darillium

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Fake News is "dangerous"

The reason fake news is dangerous is NOT so much that the news is incorrect, or unreliable, or upside-down - which it usually is. If that was the only problem, there would BE no problem. It is certainly not a problem for the entire rest of the animal kingdom (of which ALL humans are merely a small part), and for a very obvious reason (they don't have sophisticated BRAINS with which to decipher our language.) But it most definitely IS a huge problem, and dangerous too, for 99% of humans on this planet, who supposedly have sophisticated brains... except that... (hopefully, you already know what I am about to write here...)

If not, here it is: Ordinary humans - the great 99% - are incapable of VERIFYING news of any kind, particularly about the world-at-large, of which they are not directly able to track details to the necessary nth degree, but also the world-in-small they SHOULD be able to track (it's between their ears, after all!), but don't know how. In particular, the "soft kind" of information - psychological, philosophical, religious, political, etc. - is totally UNVERIFIABLE the first time it is heard or read, UNLESS one has personally discovered or invented or created that knowledge for oneself.... by their own efforts... but again, they don't know HOW. And yes, one can "invent" and one can "create" information, but that too requires knowing HOW.

So, how is fake news dangerous
As an obvious example in the world-at-large: Just look at America, right now. The STATE/MEDIA pushes the narrative IT wants out to the masses (via TV, radio, Internet, etc.) who eat it up like it actually tastes good. Of course, there are some few humans who GAG on it... and rightfully so!
As an obvious example in the world-in-small: Just look at yourself, right now. The BRAIN/MIND pushes the narrative IT wants out to you (via books, transcripts, audios, videos, etc.) and you eat it up like it actually tastes good. Of course, there are some few I's that GAG on it... and rightfully so!
What is going on here? Obviously, the ordinary human brain is constructed - by design and plan from "above", or cause and effect from "below" - to immediately AGREE or DISAGREE with whatever the language circuits "decode" (usually incorrectly, as it turns out) from, primarily, the sound and light waves that presented the information to your hearing (as in the sound in your head right now) and/or your reading (as in this very post.) THAT IS VERY DANGEROUS, because once some information, of any kind - but particularly the "soft kind" (unlike the "hard kind", like instructions to tear down and rebuild a Holley 4-barrel carburetor) - is taken for True and/or Correct, or False and/or Incorrect, it is difficult to change the mind on one's own. Even if your best friend, mate, spouse or date has alternative views, or (eeek!) opposing views, it is still very hard to change the mind.

Thus, such hapless humans are stuck living in an UNREALITY of their own (brain's) making! And, furthermore, they can't really be helped by the external application of simple logic, any more than a lifelong drunk can get permanently sober by being PREACHED to before they have already "hit rock bottom", and even then don't count on it happening. (It would be like turning a "Never Trumper Schumer" into an "Always Trumper Schumer"... yeah, like that could ever happen!)

Now, for the paragraph that will either get this author kicked out, or banned, or worse - laughed out of the clique, the "in crowd"... it's happened before... honestly. Groups of humans who are following - either publicly or privately - a "psychological system", and/or a "philosophical system", and/or a "religious system", or a "whatever-they-call-it-today" simply can NOT hear alternative viewpoints about THEIR "thing", especially when the viewpoint is specifically "If you haven't figured all this stuff out yet, you NEVER WILL," followed by the kicker: "Come on, it's just not that complicated!"

Humans stumble horribly on their use of language and it keeps them treading water for a lifetime, and they fumble even worse when reading and/or hearing the words of other humans. Language is the issue, Words are the issue. And their endless, sometimes insufferable penchant for arguing over the meaning, sense and significance of those words and getting bogged down in interminable discussions that usually go nowhere. Words, themselves, are a hindrance when not used rightly. BUT, they are like jet-fuel in a rocket-car when applied rightly to any situation.

When you come to a "stumbling block in the road" ("which way should I go, what should I believe?"), don't just stand there and ruminate and wonder and ask poorly constructed questions of all those standing there beside you doing the same thing (like on a Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Twitter forum), THINK FAST and "jump over" it, or "go around" it, or "EAT" it, by first realizing what the blockage IS. Imagine trying to tell, oh I dunno, a fourthway person, or a buddhist person, or a scientology person, or a christian person, or a jewish person, or a muslim person, that their system IS the stumbling block in the road. They won't hear a word of it, and will become angry or upset (and in some cases hit you, or kill you) if the matter is pursued, which is tantamount to turning and running away.

These stumbling blocks are What and How you think about the apparent (only, because it's not real) stumbling block. What all these blockages are, are "energy pellets" and they can be EATEN... when you know HOW
Remember Pac-man? Pac-Men awaken in a few months give or take a year or so. Humans usually never do. They just talk, and talk, and talk, and argue, and get frustrated, and ask silly questions, and get even more confused, while trying desperately to convince themselves they are still "on the road to find out" .
 Unfortunately, perhaps, most humans remain 
right where they originally became Blocked.

Two Embedded Links

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Sex Talk

Talking and thinking about "this stuff" is like having sex - and, then there's the problem of premature ejaculation. You climb on and start pumping away, and perhaps you have an enlightening thought, and it explodes into an orgasm of awareness, consciousness, understanding, and then, just like in physical sex, for moments, hours, days, you don't even want to remember it, let alone talk about it, or think about it.

Maybe that's what premature ejaculation is - in the brain - you get to a point that you don't want to think about this stuff anymore because it 'brings you down' from where you know you are when orgasmic. Talking to others about personal realizations seems to eventually confront the question of 'why are you doing this? Why are you talking to these people about this?'

People who talk about this stuff, with their friends, in 'work groups', email-lists, newsgroups - and there are THOUSANDS of 'em - are engaged in public mental masturbation, with premature ejaculation being the desired, though unknown, culmination of the event.

Why do I's talk to themselves, and with other people anyway? Reacting to the external world, is I's talking to other I's. There is no out there, consisting of people and things, withwhich your internal I's are conversing. I's are simply talking to themselves - always and everywhere - and "you" are simply, painfully, eavesdropping. If you're trying to exit a large apartment complex, and one of the closest gates is blocked off, and you're forced to go to the other gate - way out of your way - it is only because of the knowledge, first - of that first gate - and second - that it could have been open for you, but wasn't, that caused your inner I to react to it, possibly negatively - complaining about the apartment manager or something. (If there was no gate there that you knew about, then you'd have no prior expectation, and would just drive past that spot unperturbed.)

What causes the I's to talk to each other? If there is nothing going on for consciousness to consider, and nothing is presently 'known', then the I's will have nothing to react to. If you drive to the first gate, and can keep from 'knowing' it is not open (effectively, is NOT there) you can sail right past it without a reaction.

What does it take for the I's to talk to one another? The 3rd force in that triad is knowledge. There must be the knowledge of other words, for words to react to them. But there is no, True knowledge or False knowledge - just 'the knowledge of'.

You cannot put pen to paper, without there being a conversation in your own head. One I doesn't talk, two can talk to each other and speak and write. It is one thing to have conscious thoughts, quite another to speak them, because consciousness does not want to speak them because it's tantamount to sleep.

Perhaps, one has got to be like the Kama Sutrans, and hold back the ejaculation/orgasm. Just as there is 'running', in the moving center, that will effectively 'stop thought', there is also 'running', in the intellectual center, that will do the same. But, like a comic trampoliner, there is also 'running off at the mouth on purpose'. Not letting the lesser I's gain a foothold, nor a word in edgewise.

If being a terrific, world-class, trampoline artist is (a form of) "Art", then is a comic, clown-trampoliner (you've seen 'em - they can hardly mount the damn thing, yet perform all the same stunts as the 'expert', but with a comic twist - trip-ups, slips and falls - full of intentional inexactitudes leading to frequent, apparently painful, small calamities), a 'sham'? In truth - both are equally skilled, and the comic MAY even be MORE skilled! Both can perform the same routines. Yet, one can add the intentional 'errors' and, this being the interesting part, LIVES to trampoline another day.

It is quite known by ordinary people, that it takes as much, if not more talent, to parody a 'serious work', without killing yourself, than to perform it seriously - straight. Comic trampoliners, comic high-divers, comic-brahmabull riders, comics and comedians in general - do something WELL and then add a twist of comedy making the end-result appear faulty, or less than the more serious thing it parodies.

But, the comic KNOWS the real truth. Appearing the buffoon to the world, he actually surpasses all.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Escape Hatch

Humans who have suspected there might actually BE an escape hatch somewhere (that has been installed by "higher forces" or "upper agencies" to enable a certain few - here and there - to OPT OUT of the world of sheeple, who blindly and stupidly follow the loudest voices, the shiniest baubles, and the glitziest entertainments, and OPT IN to a new world above the fray) have always sought out other MEN (and sometimes, yes, women, and even -rarely- children [in the case of reincarnated buddhas, lamas, and other gurus]) for guidance, but their seeking has always failed, sometimes dramatically, and sometimes long before their inevitable DEATH was even necessary due to following WRONG ADVICE.

Only a few humans ever truly realize, in time, WHERE that escape hatch can be located. Oh, it exists of course, but not as a hard-and-fast place, or fixed point-in-time, and it isn't a moving "X" on a vast watery surface... but it IS a definite intersection of the second, third, and fourth dimension, of which the first two are clearly Past and Present, and the third is the Future. Humans simply can not deal with these overlapping dichotomies (2-3, 2-4, and 3-4), simultaneously, in real time, because they perceive time linearly, not spatially (and definitely not hyper-spatially). Humans, in general and in each generation, are what is called by some, Asleep to reality as it is.

For them, it is always like walking out of the confines of their warm, dark, and cozy bedroom where they have just spent the last nearly 8 hours of their daily life (totalling one-third of their entire life!) into the blindingly bright and crystally clear expanse of the world as it is, and this sudden transition figuratively blows their hair back, and they immediately go right back to sleep on an incrementally higher or lower level, which simply means... "back to the bedroom". This condition/syndrome/disorder goes on forever (in "human time", which ain't very long), and any supposed quest for the escape hatch is set back another day!
"Oh well, there's ALWAYS tomorrow."

So... why don't humans realize this? It is the INTRUSION of random thoughts generated by energies that are totally UN-regulated and UN-managed, into the mirrored surface of the "enlightened world" of UPPER LIGHT and HIGHER AGENCIES (mentioned above, with a twist). You know what brings DOWN even the best "high" (LSD, Shrooms, Hash, DMT, etc.)? This same INTRUSION, which is why all those "educated in the ways of the shaman" always advise, "keep your damn thoughts AT BAY!"
LOOK around, 
Don't Think About It. 

This "fabled" escape hatch - if it even exists at all, regardless of the "where" and "when" - might be imagined to be like the pull-down laddered path to the ceiling door leading to the attic... if only it could be that simplistic. It is more like a crack, or fracture in the structure (of the brain) that can only be seen at all, when the light from above is ON, and not that 100-watter, like is often found in home attics, but a 2500-watter, which is only possible if enough electrical energy has previously been pushed up and into the storage capacitors awaiting the "fabled" escape event which turns it on, revealing the crack.
First, you must "get really small," then you can pass through anything.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Magical Mystery Tour

Compared to what people know about what is going on with their own body-of-fleshly-parts - moving around one's home, preparing to go outside, driving cars and arriving safely, keeping oneself reasonably healthy, and a huge number of other even more complex tasks that no other creature on this planet can perform (let alone think about) -
what they know about what is going on with their own 
body-of-neural-thoughts is a 
total mystery

People know full well how they got here ("born of my parental units"), where they then began living ("604 Euclid Ave, Seattle, Wa"), when they started school ("1972"), how long they stuck it out ("until graduating high school"), their first real paying job ("bank clerk"), and too many other things to be detailed here. (But hey, you know the drill!)

BUT, the only thing people know about their mind - their body-of-neural thoughts, as it were - is that when they open their mouth words come out, and when words are not coming out, thoughts are bouncing around in their head somewhere, and, that everyone on the planet can "do all of that" without even thinking about it! (HAH! People think without even thinking about it!) And, of course, it shows, judging by the extremely low quality of what can be heard coming from the masses, no matter what they do for a living. People are having thoughts, sure, but only under extreme circumstances of effort, will-power, and training, can they compose 6 paragraphs in a row, and show them around to their friends and not get laughed at due to all the errors of spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, logic and many other things. (But hey, you know the drill!)

People - even rather young children - can do, easily, and almost without thinking about it at all, what those same People can NOT DO, even with extreme effort, copious eye-squinting, looking up, down, left and right, hemming and hawing, and considerable foot-dragging.

  • Proof: ask a person to put an IKEA kitchen room table together without the aid of instructions, and most can do it reasonably well (there certainly are exceptions to every rule, and some couldn't manage that if offered a million bucks!) 
  • BUT: ask a person to compose a simple written piece (or worse, oral piece) discussing a topic they have never thought about before - particularly one that is pertinent to the AIMS and DESIRES of people reading a blog like this one (hey, you know the drill!) - and you will VERY LIKELY get back nothing but rationalizations and justifications for not doing it. 
Building a usable table requires a little thinking and 
a lot of precise bodily movements. 

Generating a thoughtful piece on something new
requires a lot of thinking and almost no bodily movements 
(just a little transcribing.)

What if remaining a total stranger to your own body-of-thought - vis-à-vis, the kind of higher matters pointed to herein since day one and long before in fact - is tantamount to giving up before even starting the Tour (the Magical Mystery one), that involves journeying up the streams and tributaries of your own nervous system, into that fabled place where thoughts (from the Global Thought Sphere) connect to the sounds and twitchings ("heard and felt" in your own tiny head) which are then "used" in sentences (just-in-time) that make enough sense to other humans that they don't ignore you entirely.

What if it is actually necessary to go on the Tour - Alone and quite Awake - so that the Magic of the Mystery can "do its Thing" on you, like a Master Chef preparing a feast for the Gods, that can be expected to kill you if you don't Please Them. (But hey, you know the drill!)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Speaking - animal and human

As you know, or should, Speaking came first, and existed probably for 97+% of the time humans have been on this planet, prior to the invention of a coherent, sophisticated written language. So... Speaking, from the very beginning of our modern human history - about two hundred thousand years - and only then came Writing, from about fifty-five hundred years ago till the present... with very little change, besides more languages, and greater "confusion of tongues," including individual languages splitting into a large multiplicity of dialects... it's a madhouse! No wonder people don't communicate with each other.

And then, while all these disparate languages and dialects were circulating the planet (and the brains of men) - like great swarms of different insect species, subspecies, sub-subspecies, etc., all with different, sometimes almost unintelligible "songs to sing" - I suggest, EVERYTHING changed, and NOT for the better. Writing "dumbs down" intelligence between peoples - in a particular way, by revising the language used, so as to appeal to those of little education or intelligence - while at the same time increasing the development of technologies, civilizations, institutions, laws and of course "prisons" (of the body AND mind... like Religions, Philosophies, Psychologies, and Sciences.)  
So... writing is not "bad" for the evolution of the species, 
but it is "bad" for the evolution of the individual. 
(Yes, this does require further explanation!) 

Writing is fine as far as it goes, but the next level of SPEAKING is where one needs to reach (since, unbeknownst to the VAST majority of humans (97+%), we have only recently "just arrived" at the speaking level of the ANIMAL world, which is characterized by a continual stream of unverified "attitudes, opinions, and beliefs," a.k.a.: Fake news.
And what always happens with these "clouds of war"?
You guessed it. WARS.

Apparently, we need to stay at this lower level (where we are today - chit-chatting and arguing on Fakebook and Twitter and face-to-face) in order to "gather" all the drive and facility we can muster, in order to eventually "rise/ascend" to the Speaking Level of the HUMAN world, which is characterized by "personally verified facts and illuminated realizations," a.k.a.: New Information.
And what always happens with these "pearls of wisdom"?
You guessed it. WISDOM.

Thought - which, of course, is the movement of neural energy - comes first, only taking seconds, or parts-of-seconds, if that, and THEN the speaking and/or writing may follow, which could take hours, days, even years to "get right", in the sense of telling the "whole story" (until the "next update"). But, how does one KNOW? Or, KNOW anything? Because, though the entire thought may have only taken a second, or a few seconds, to be truly "completed" requires much more time - relatively speaking - and only then can it be recorded as completely as possible... for the moment, until the "next update". Then it can even be communicated to others.

If a person can't put down in writing what they actually think, then they don't KNOW what they think... revealing to one, that a "break" has occurred and it is very hard to recover from that as the gap only grows more expansive through the years. (How many times have you had a "Great", "Terrific",  "Enlightening" thought, and within mere minutes it was lost to you, forever?) People are talking ALL THE TIME - mostly in their heads, and outside their heads as well - but they are saying nothing 99+% of the time. That's because the break between thinking and writing has occurred, and was never "Fixed Or Repaired Daily" - being an absolutely required process, that needs to be initiated in one, and continued for a life time.
 ("FORD": the most famous of the car acronyms, in case you missed it.)

Say (or Think) your thought(s) first, into the "canyon of the mind", and once you can say/think it, then you will know what you Think, and then you can write it, and one ought to write every day if possible (to fix or repair, as necessary, the break) as that keeps the "bridge" open, and the energy flowing. The wider the bridge, like a water pipe, the more energy can flow. (Note: why do you think certain people in history were so very much MORE prolific in their written output than the rest of humanity? Answer: they HAD TO PRODUCE, like any real artist HAS TO PRODUCE.)

Just a thought, and this one only took a second or so.

Now, for the Real Independents out there, don't comment on MY presentation (what? to fix or repair it?), prepare your own gourmet delight for OUR edification. Final tip for the tip jar: All that everyone needs or wants to know, is within one. The "problem" is that there is no bridge from the "UNKNOWN and as-yet-unthought", to the "KNOWN and able-to-be-communicated."

Such is, the Speaking Level of Humans.
and there are pitifully few extant examples!