Friday, October 13, 2017

In defence of... God

If you read any cultures' religion, viz. "God" (or some other name) - used to signify a monotheistic or ultimate Supreme Being from which all other divine attributes derive - and substitute, "Mind", that's what they were really talking about... but of course they didn't know it, and still do not.

No reasonably civilized human nowadays believes that great nature and the seasons are caused by gods or goddesses - you know, river deities, forest deities, weather deities etc. - or that there are ghosts and goblins living in their own home sweet home, or demons and other devils living in their next door neighbor's ramshackle abode. Such thoughts have long ago abandoned the dream and fantasy worlds of the more educated and sophisticated humans... well, save for the ONE BIGGEE that refuses to retire: "God" with a "capital G (now that humanity, in general, has already abandoned all the lesser, small "g" gods and goddesses). Even those who say they don't have an interest in religion or "God"- having no particular attraction to religions or the idea of "God", even to the point of calling themselves atheists - when they hear someone else talk about the characteristics and attributes of their "God", it affects them too... they have no choice. Because in those moments, it is the brain talking about itself, and everyone is immediately affected by that.
Why can't the brain realize what it's doing?
It's impossible for it to do so!

When the brain is talking about "God", it is talking about itself. It's realized what it's doing regarding the lesser gods - of mountains, trees, rivers, animals, seasons, etc. - but regarding the greater big G "God", the supreme Power... no way. And there's no evidence whatsoever that human minds are changing in that regard - certainly not in the last 6000 years. The only answer must be, that the human brain (and emergent "mind") is literally incapable of thinking/talking about itself, while knowing it's thinking/talking about itself. Some kind of schism occurs, a division between "talker" and "listener", or between the "lower" and the "higher", such that one might imagine there being "lips" and "ears" in there.

Interesting note: you usually can't talk believers out of belief in their "God", although the better educated, and more sophisticated can more easily be swayed, often using good science and good logic. But you never find semi-aboriginal, uneducated, unsophisticated peoples who are atheists or agnostics, so firm is their inbred belief in "God".

Now, even though practically no one believes in small "g" gods, almost everybody (85% or so) still believes in a big "G" "God" of whatever name they give it. Why? Remember, it's their brain talking about itself. Of those who say they believe in "God", it's not so much that you can't talk them out of it... you can not make them see that when they talk and think about "God", it's their brain talking and thinking about itself, and describing its own attributes. If you tell believers or non-believers that, you'll likely get no reaction whatsoever, as though they didn't even register the statement. But, when you tell them this to their face (their brain), be sure to look higher up on their forehead than where the eyes are - because that's where they are processing your statements, up in the frontal lobes. (In the attic, so to speak, seriously/dangerously close to the.... "escape hatch"... but that's another story.)

Perhaps Life and the Universe, are two different (separate) things. Life is controlling the thought-generating brain, and the Universe is controlling the non-thought-generating universe.

Lips and Ears, perhaps?

(four embedded links... did ya miss 'em?)

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